Découverte du Kirghizistan - Discovery of Kyrgyzstan J’ai adoré ce pays encore très authentique.I loved this country and still very authentic. Read More NaturePascale SuryJune 27, 2024mountains, mountain, Kyrgyzstan, Kirghizistan, snow, central asia, asia, song kul lake, song kul, ala kul lake, ala kul, skazka canyon, canyon, red, green, blue, lake, color, colors, steppes, horse, horses, reflection, pass, trekking, bishkek, bichkek, kochkor, nature, wilderness, wild spaces, wild, animals, animal, wildlife, altitude
Dolomites Grandiose…Magnificent… Read More NaturePascale SuryJuly 19, 2020nature, Italy, italie, Europe, lake, lac, lago, blue, Unesco, Dolomites, Dolomiti, Rocks, mountains, montagnes
The Blue Hole in Belize Des tableaux naturels…Natural paintings… Read More NaturePascale SurySeptember 17, 2019blue hole, trou bleu, belize, Central America, Amérique centrale, nature, environment, environnement, blue, bleu, dive, plonger, coral reef, barrière de corail, sea, mer, ocean, océan
Groenland: du Sud au Nord, du vert au blanc - Greenland: from the South to the North, from green to white Surréaliste!Surrealist! Read More NaturePascale SurySeptember 9, 2018glacier, ice, iceberg, Groenland, Greenland, Europe, Europa, beauty, beauties, wonderland, wonderful, wonder, beautiful, great, blue, white, green, vert, blanc, bleu, Nuuk, Ilulissat, Sud, North, Nord, South, sky, village, people, fish, fisherman, poisson, pêcheur, whale, baleines
Namibie: le pays de la contemplation - Namibia: the land of contemplation Méditatif…Meditative… Read More WildlifePascale SuryJune 12, 2018dead vlei, Sossusvlei, desert, désert, sea, mer, Etosha, animaux, animals, Afrique, Africa, Namibie, Namibia, arbres, trees, sable, sand, blue, sky, ciel, bleu, rouge, red, zèbres, zebra, giraffe, elephants, cheetah, guépards, rhino, lion, Swakopmund, city, ville
Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée: la dignité dans les regards - Papua New Guinea: dignity in the eyes Ils n’ont presque rien mais ils donnent tout...They have almost nothing but they give everything... Read More HumansPascale SuryApril 11, 2018smile, sourire, sourires, smiles, Papua New Guinea, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Océanie, Oceania, ocean, océan, Pacific, Pacifique, mer, sea, blue, child, children, travel, photography
Australie : D’Ouest en Est, entre mer et désert - Australia : From West to East, between sea and desert Quelles beautés !What a beauty ! Read More NaturePascale SuryMarch 7, 2018great barrier reef, grande barrière de corail, Australie, Australia, poissons, fish, fishes, poisson, mer, sea, bleu, blue, nature, environnement, environment, beauties, beauty, beauté, beautiful, beautés, beau, plants, Océanie, ocean, Oceania, desert, uluru, ayers rock, red, great ocean road, western, western australia, australia, kalbarri, kalbarri national park, exmouth, monkey mia, shell beach, turquoise bay, shark bay, coral bay, rottnest, rottnest island, island, water, pink, pink lake, lake, natural beauty, Stromalites, dolphins, tree, dead tree, dead, Broome, Cable Beach, pindan, outback, red earth, gantheaume point, sunset